Tuesday, 24 September 2013


It’s the word that has been buzzing around the exhibition industry for the last couple of years, but what does it mean?
Well, “gamification” is the use of gaming mechanisms in order to attract potential clients.  The digital age has provided businesses with more marketing tools than they ever thought possible. Projectors, laptops, iPads and television screens are becoming increasingly popular amongst exhibitors, as the competition for attracting potential business heats up.
The use of games at trade shows is showing a particular increase in the last few years, and has a variety of benefits. Human beings by nature love interacting, especially those in sales and marketing. These are the movers and shakers of our society, the people who keep the cogs of business turning. These are the innovators whose interest an exhibitor needs to garner in order to be successful. People are excited by new products, new ways to interact, and they love fresh ideas.

 Games are an excellent way to attract this interest because they not only evoke a challenge, they are non-threatening and non-invasive. They can also be funny and entertaining, meaning that you’ve already broken the ice before you’ve even started talking to the client. It will make them feel relaxed, at ease with you, because they now see your company as fun and interesting. Automatically they will now want to know what it is you do, and what you can offer. This gives you the opportunity to talk about your products or services to someone who is now focussed, interested and invested. This is exactly the type of person you want to make your sales pitch to.
Instead of boring your clients to death with a five minute sales pitch that you’ve been rehearsing in the bathroom mirror, be the human embodiment of gamification. Be relaxed, entertaining, funny and most importantly; interesting. Use this new technology to its full potential, employ it on iPad stands or even have your own bespoke game built. It is an excellent way of attracting clients, and an easy conversation starter.
And if that fails, give them free alcohol.
Thanks for reading!

To find out how Guardian Display can help you make the most of gamification, e-mail us at info@gdisplay.co.uk or call us on 01702 662111.