Friday, 14 July 2017

Location, location, location! How to select the perfect spot for your stand

 Summer equals holiday time for most…with crowds of people vying for the best spot on the beach to lay out their towel and relax.

Did you know that finding the best space for your stand at a trade event is just as important?  OK, so you won’t return to the office with seashells and a golden tan, but if you get your stand positioning right, you can bet you’ll end the event feeling revived from all that business-boosting activity, not to mention raring to follow up on reams of new contacts.

The great news is, it’s not hard to ensure you’re in the best place at your next event.  Most show organisers will allow you to choose your ideal location…and if it’s not clear, all you have to do is ask.

To help get you started, we’ve come up with a few more top tips – based on our dedicated expertise helping clients from a wide array of industries – to ensure your stand is seen by all the right people at your next exhibition!

Study the floorplan well 

It’s such an obvious point, but you’d be surprised how often people don’t check their stand positioning, assuming that the cost of the event means they’ll automatically get a great spot (newsflash: it doesn’t!). 

If you can, check the plans for previous events held at the venue too, including where the entrance is, so you can see where footfall is naturally likely to flow.  Then…

…get yourself a great vantage point!

Not only will you be able to see visitors coming (and arm yourself with that all-important smile well in advance!), but you’ll also be able to angle your branding to its very best, brightest and friendliest effect.

Don’t forget that while positioning yourself close to the entrance means visitors will find it hard to miss you, the entrance area is also often the most hectic and crowded place, with clusters of people jostling to get past and into the main event areas.

Look for interesting neighbours 

Your event neighbours will impact you, so make sure you know who they are.  Contrary to often imagined belief, positioning yourself near a high-profile industry leader could actually increase the chances of bringing visitors to your own stand.  A neighbour who offers products or services that complement your own is also a good bet.

While industry groupings can be hugely beneficial, bear in mind that it may be a lot harder for you to stand out in the crowd.  Some visitors might also feel overwhelmed, or put off from approaching a glut of stands all offering largely the same thing.

Consider popular event areas…

…such as coffee stands, or food courts.  These sections will always be well-visited, and if you’ve got a stand that features tech or additional entertainment (or even slices of tasty home-made cake), you’re likely to attract a lot more attention as people enjoy their well-earned breaks!

Take account of your event objectives

Your stand positioning needs might change depending on what you most want to get out of your event.  Whom do you want to attract, and what do you want to achieve once you’ve got their attention? 

If you need your stand itself to make a big splash, then heading for popular, buzzy areas should bring the right level of attention.  However, if you’re holding pre-agreed meetings on your stand, or you’re looking to engage people in detailed conversations, then you’ll benefit a lot more from a quieter corner.

Hopefully by now we’ve managed to convince you that event stand placement is just as essential as holiday beach positioning!  So if you’re looking for even more insider information on where to place your stand, or how to showcase it to its best effect once you’re there, our friendly and professional team is always on hand to help.  Simply contact us (here).

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