Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Winners find a way..!!

This blog is a tale of how a never say die attitude is the only attitude to have in the exhibition game. We have a saying at Guardian “winners find a way” and this was never truer when we were recently faced with a severe lack of travel options when we had to be in Jersey.

When arriving at the airport our intrepid Gdisplay stand fitters were greeted with a smile at check in and told the flight to Jersey was cancelled, “Oh OK, what are our options” they retorted, “The next flight leaves on Saturday” Now this was not very helpful at all.  Our Jersey event started on Saturday at 10am and leaving the client without a stand was not an option.

The airline ring around began and it would appear that everyman and his dog was flying to Jersey on the same day as everything was full, Try a boat I hear you cry, Well there is only one boat that leaves for Jersey each day at 10am from Portsmouth and takes around 9 hours..!!

 More furious tapping was done into the internet to try and find anything. A Friday night flight was found, now this wasn’t ideal as it meant our plucky stand fitters would have to work through the night, and barring anything going wrong they would have the stand finished at roughly 9:30am. Now this was a solution, admittedly not the perfect solution as it was running things close, but a solution it was. This flight was booked as a back up, but the search carried on.

A flight to Dublin was found leaving tonight, with a transfer to Jersey late Friday morning, the thought of a Dublin stopover and a few pints of the black stuff, (purely medicinal to help sleeping), was more appealing than having to work through the night, however, should the transfer be cancelled, our lads would be further away than when they started..!!

How about Guernsey? Anything going to Guernsey tonight...??

And there was, a single flight leaving Gatwick in about 4 hours with space available, it was booked. The missing piece of the puzzle was then booked in a 20 min early morning flight going from Guernsey to Jersey. This combination got our soon to be well traveled lads on stand at exactly the same time as they would’ve originally.

The stand build all went to plan, with the flights coming back being a lot more straight forward.

If you are looking to attend an exhibition in the near future and you want to partner with a company you can trust and rely on, then contact us on 01702 662111 or visit our website www.gdisplay.co.uk

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Standing out from the crowd

We were recently on the other side of the fence attending a show ourselves. It was a smallish local show, for local companies, helping to promote business and trade within the Essex area. Being held at Chelmsford city racecourse the venue was perfect for holding such an event, as the open plan feel, created a nice flow for people attending.

Each exhibitor were only allocated a space of 2m x 2m, which proves difficult to make a real statement, and hard for us as an exhibition company to show off our full capabilities.
Most companies chose to use roller banners as their way to brand their stand, when looking around the event everyone just seem to blend together, with the stands being so close, as you were moving around the show, it was difficult to differentiate between companies.
To help our small space stand out from others, we used an LED lit shelving unit, TV screen and Ipad holders. Many other exhibitors complemented our stand saying that it really set us apart from other exhibitors.

Along with our striking stand we were giving out Gdisplay branded cupcakes (who doesn’t love free cake) word soon got around the venue about how good our cupcakes were (supplied by ‘Cupcakes by MrsB’) Competition was fierce as others had chosen the cupcake route. A few exhibitors and visitors kindly commented they were the best in show, high praise indeed.

Just making yourself that bit different, thinking outside the box, can really make a difference when going to exhibitions. A fellow exhibitor Rossi’s Ice Cream were at the show promoting their luxury ice cream and giving all the visitors a free tub of their sumptuous vanilla flavoured dairy produce. Needless to say they were a very busy stand throughout the day. The ripples of that were felt by the stand next door, who was able to pitch to some the waiting visitors, promoting his company.
The day was a resounded success, with us speaking to many visitors throughout the day along with networking with many of the other exhibitors.

Standing out from the crowd

We were recently on the other side of the fence attending a show ourselves. It was a smallish local show, for local companies, helping to promote business and trade within the Essex area. Being held at Chelmsford city racecourse the venue was perfect for holding such an event, as the open plan feel, created a nice flow for people attending.

Each exhibitor were only allocated a space of 2m x 2m, which proves difficult to make a real statement, and hard for us as an exhibition company to show off our full capabilities.
Most companies chose to use roller banners as their way to brand their stand, when looking around the event everyone just seem to blend together, with the stands being so close, as you were moving around the show, it was difficult to differentiate between companies.
To help our small space stand out from others, we used an LED lit shelving unit, TV screen and Ipad holders. Many other exhibitors complemented our stand saying that it really set us apart from other exhibitors.

Along with our striking stand we were giving out Gdisplay branded cupcakes (who doesn’t love free cake) word soon got around the venue about how good our cupcakes were (supplied by ‘Cupcakes by MrsB’) Competition was fierce as others had chosen the cupcake route. A few exhibitors and visitors kindly commented they were the best in show, high praise indeed.

Just making yourself that bit different, thinking outside the box, can really make a difference when going to exhibitions. A fellow exhibitor Rossi’s Ice Cream were at the show promoting their luxury ice cream and giving all the visitors a free tub of their sumptuous vanilla flavoured dairy produce. Needless to say they were a very busy stand throughout the day. The ripples of that were felt by the stand next door, who was able to pitch to some the waiting visitors, promoting his company.
The day was a resounded success, with us speaking to many visitors throughout the day along with networking with many of the other exhibitors.