Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Being Modular is a must...

As Paul McCartney once said “in this ever changing world in which we live in” having a exhibition stand that can fit into a multitude of spaces in absolute necessity for any company with a busy event schedule.

Paul McCartney also once said “I am the walrus, I am the eggman” so maybe he’s not the best person to quote from, however, choosing an adaptable, modular exhibition system is a must, as it will allow you to book any size space at any show and still be able to take your system and make it fit with no fuss. 

The strap line for our modular system Versaform is “Adapt to your environment” which is exactly what the Versaform system allows you do to. It’s ground breaking design means the user can bend and flex every single panel allowing you to create an infinitive amount of shapes. 

The system is totally modular allowing the user to take all or just parts of the stand to various shows.  There are also a variety of accessories with the system allowing you to add large screens, tables, literature racks, ipad holders and full shelving systems.

Guardian Display can demonstrate this system at your offices or you are welcome to visit our new showroom in Leigh On Sea Essex.

When considering buying the next Exhibition stand for your event or show, ask yourself one thing “how flexible is this stand"?